
Oct.29 ADV587 Agricultural Communication Discussion Questions

Hi everyone!
Here are the discussion questions from Liz, Pu and Thais for next monday's class.

1. Do you judge a price increase (losses) of $15 as more unfair than a cancellation of a former price reduction (non-gains) of $15, even though the result is actually the same?

2. Do you always read the label when you purchase food? What information on the label do you care most?

3. Do you consciously choose products with “eco-friendly” labels? And in comparison, do you think unlabeled or conventionally produced foods without such claims are inferior?

4. What is your opinion about the TV commercials elaborated by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)? Do you believe they influence yours or/and others opinion about animal welfare issues? (if you never saw one, please refer to this videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBhIRKuyOOQ)

5. What sources of information do you rely on to form your opinions about animal welfare issues? (e.g., labels, TV ads, websites, books, news, friends, etc.) Or you may not rely on any source at all…

            Have a good weekend! :)


ADV587 Brand in Social Media Age- Oct 22

Hi everyone,

Here are the questions from our group for next Monday's class:


1. Are/Were you a member of any online communities? If yes, what motivates you to join the community? What kind of members are you, seekers, educators, challengers, governors, appraisers, players or innovators?

2. As compared to online communities, nowadays social media is gaining marketing power as a platform of making people mingled and engaged together in brand activities. How online communities and social media (or SNS) are similar to and different from each other, in terms of their co-creation motivation and behavior? 

Can you think of any examples of successful social media campaigns? What do you think makes them successful?


1) Do you have any experience of participating in co-creation activities (e.g. questing customized products [DIY], creating video advertisements for the product (UCC), actively participating in community)?

2) In article, the author emphasizes that consumers’ role and control have been important than ever. Do you think companies and consumers maintain balanced relationship nowadays in terms of the “control”? You can explain with interesting examples!


1) The Fisher and Smith article mentions that consumers always talk about the mistakes from a company instead of talking about what the company brings to them. Mistakes and problems are catalysts that bring consumers closer together and foster common purpose for dialogue. Do you agree that? Do you have examples to support your idea?

2) “Control” increasingly passes from corporations to consumers. This is a shift from an old to new marketing model. What does the marketing gain or lose of changing from old to new models. Do you think the new marketing model brings too much challenging to corporations? How would you deal with the challenges?


ADV 587 - Dr. Duff's Lecture - Attention 10/15

Hi everyone,

Here are our questions for Dr. Duff's lecture:


1. Which kind of cognitive process -holistic or analytic- do you think you are? Can you give some specific examples to demonstrate it?

2. With the development of society, multinational corporations promote their goods or services throughout the world. Are there certain examples sparked in your mind about how corporations promote differently according to distinct cognitive process in different country? If not, faced with the tremendous differences between different cognitive processes, are there certain brands' ads which are not compatible with your culture and can you give some advice to them?


According to the article “Cognitive control in media multitaskers,” do you think you are heavy media multitaskers? Please list three kind of media you use most frequently everyday( such as internet/SMS….)

Do you think the information you receive everyday are over saturated? Please share some example.


1. The Synesthesia article states that ~80% of people are exposed to and/or use several forms of media simultaneously. Do you do that as well? If so, which media do you use together most often and how?

2. Because most people are exposed to more than one medium at a time, Pilotta and Schultz argue advertisers should focus on developing campaigns that work well in a multitasking environment rather than in isolation. Do you agree? Have you ever been exposed to a campaign you thought was conceived for multitasking?


10/08 ADV587 Questions: Social Media Research

Hi all,
here are the questions of our group for next Monday's ADV587 class.

1.    Kristine:

Do you know any viral marketing campaign? What do you think about it? You can analyze the campaign of successful viral marketing with the five factors.

 (The five factors of successful viral marketing: the overall structure of the campaign, the characteristics of the product or service, the content of the message, the characteristics of the diffusion and the peer-to-peer information conduit.)

2. Emma:

Do you ever receive a viral advertising email which was advertising about product/service or “group send” emails? (jokes, stories or other information to groups of people they have organized in to email lists) What would you do about such e-mails? Under what situation, you would open it and forward it to your friend or family?  

3. Travis:

In the Hayes and Graybeal’s reading material, they cited that giving away media content devalues the product as consumers may consider free media products as inferior goods compares to those which charge a certain amount of fee.
According to your own experiences, do you support this assert or not? Why? (E.g. Free Apps vs. Paid Apps) 

And there are still some other questions we may discuss on the class.
BTW, enjoy your nice weekend since we've all finished Dr. Duff's explication!