
Discussion Questions for Verb Campaign

Hello everyone! I am Christina, the only discussant of the Oct. 1 discussion of “The Verb Campaign”.  I am very excited to have a deeper discussion with you all in this interesting topic. I hope my questions are not posted late for you and they are as follows:
1.   1. In your childhood, what was your favorite product or brand? Please give your   example and explain why.

2.   2.Do you still remember that any advertisements or promotion activities affected your awareness, knowledge or attitude of something when you were a child aged from 9 to 13? If they affect you, please give your examples.
Did you transformation in thinking lead to your behaviors’ change in your childhood? Please explain how.
If you didn't have this kind of experiences, please explain why. 

3.   3.Do you think which one is more difficult, selling a message, or selling a product?
By the same marketing strategy, do you think that selling concepts to the target market can do as well as selling tangible products? 


Discussion Questions for Branded Entertainment

Hey all!
Here's our discussion questions regarding Branded Entertainment.

1. Starcy
Please refer to the form on page 5 in Russell's article, and do you think the higher the degree of integration is, the more effective the advertainment (consider as an advertisement) would be?

If a brand you dislike developed its own online/video/Xbox… game, and it happened to be your favorite type of game, would you play it?

2. Sann
Do you have any experience or think of an example of any type of advertainment (especially branded entertainment)? If so, how does it affect you? Do you think it is effective enough to influence your brand awareness, brand attitude and further consumption?

3. Eric
What is the most essential reason why people may feel advertainment is unethical? 


Great job, discussants today!

Joe, Anton, and Weiyi, You guys did a great job today. Though just shorter time was allowed than planned, summaries and questions you brought today was presenting core points of the assigned topic. Thanks!


Discussion questions for Monday seminar

Dear all,

Here's my questions for Monday discussion.

1. Do you think autobiographical ads can really change people's memories of their past? If so, any examples? You can relate any experience of yours and the others on this topic.

2. Do you think autobiographical ads (if they really work) would cause any negative effects on our life?

*What I wanted to say during the class discussion is that I think some extremists often use similar types of the autobiographical ads (they are actually propaganda) to incite hatred between ethnic groups or religions (telling people about their "history" and instigate them to fight). Therefore, autobiographical ads can be seriously persuasive. If misused, they can be very negative. What do you think?


Discussion question!

Post at least one discusion question about the first week topic, after reading the assigned articles.